Squeegee Blades
—Fine Line Stencil's unique Slic Blade™ process uses electroformed nickel to form a hard, very smooth surface with extremely low surface energy (high lubricity). Solder paste readily sticks to most metal surfaces, even coated blades, due to metal's high surface energy and surface roughness. Our Slic Blade™ process took a unique approach to avoid these problems.
100% Electroformed Nickel for superior surface "slippery-ness”
Solid electroformed nickel will not chip or flake
Lowest wiping pressure
Longest blade life
Enhanced stencil life and least stencil damage
Less "Bridging" due to reduced Flux Bleeding
Reduced Paste Shear Breakdown
Faster Print speed possible
Enhanced solder paste release
US Tech FLS Article
Squeegee Blade Comparison