FCT Recovery Services


We supply free packaging, pay and arrange the freight with no minimum weight requirements.

Recovery Services IncludeTree

  • Solder Dross
  • 63/37 Dross
  • SN100C Dross
  • SAC305 Dross
  • Solder Paste and Wipes
  • Electronic Scrap
  • Gold Trace Boards (ENIG)
  • Populated Circuit Boards
  • Green Boards
  • Silver Film
  • Copper Laminate
  • Aluminum
  • Lead Clippings
  • Copper Wire


Request A Quote

Our simple and open transaction process makes it easier than ever to turn your recyclables into cash. Take advantage of our service and request a quote today. Request a Quote.

Request Packaging

FCT Recovery is happy to provide custom boxes and pails to you at no charge. To request pails simply click the link to contact your local representative. Request Packaging.

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